
bikini series

Guess what? Remember a couple weeks ago I said that I was going to eat healthy 90% of the time? Well that most definitely did not happen. I have been eating so bad lately (I'm talking pizza, soda, and cookies whenever I please!) It all started when I took my cheat day on a Monday, let me tell it's a bad idea and I will not be doing it anytime soon. Monday habits set the tone for your week and when you start it off with an unhealthy day of eating it just doesn't work. So after that day I kind of just fell off the bandwagon. I was focusing a lot on blogging and I starting spending my time doing that instead of working out.

The thing about working out and eating healthy is that I really want to make it my lifestyle. I know that with this sort of thing you have to get back up and try again when you fail. You can't let it get you down. So did I eat poorly and work out only a few times in the last three weeks? Yes. Will I continue to let myself do that? No! I really like this picture below, because this is where I'm at right now. Last month I lost 11 pounds, 11 pounds people!! I've gained back 3 which I think is just from not working out and not eating healthy but more importantly I don't want all of my hard work to be for nothing. I don't want to start over. I feel so much more confident about myself. My 'skinny clothes' fit perfectly and some of the my regular clothes are too loose. It is so exciting when you can actually feel and see results.

Last week, I got an email from Tone It Up, if you've read my other workout posts you would know that I'm obsessed with them! They are these super upbeat, positive, and sweet girls who post workouts, videos, and healthy recipes on their blog. Every year around this time they do a Bikini Series. It's an 8 week program and they provide a workout schedule and videos of new workouts. Basically it's planned right before summer so you can get that bikini summer bod, yes please! This series could not have come at a better time, I'm starting a week late but I think this will be the perfect thing to get me motivated. Summer is in just two, short months! I want to be in tip top shape and their workouts are killer, but in a good way. I always feel the burn and I always feel like I'm getting the most out of my workout. I'm starting the plan today which means I will be finished June 26th, just in time to head to the pool and lay out! 

Here are the workouts for this week if you want to join me please join me, I would love to have an accountability partner!

Wednesday: Bikini Cardio + Sunkissed Abs 
Thursday: Bikini Strap Workout + HIIT the Beach {This workout is from their DVD, if you don't have it just do 30 minutes of cardio.}
Saturday: Bikini Cardio {Same as Wednesday} + Itty Bitty Bikini Abs 
Sunday: Sunday Runday! Run for 40 minutes! Pair with Long and Lean from the Beach Babe DVD

There are the workouts I'll be doing for the rest of the week! They are really tough, I can already tell I am going to have to modify the slower jogging part to some walking on the Bikini Cardio workout because I haven't run in a few weeks but who cares? If you have to modify these or if you can't get through the workout the first time, keep trying, you'll get better. Even in just a week, I could see improvements while doing their workout DVD. Just stick with it! As far as eating goes, I'm not following any specific plan. I'm just going to try to eat healthy and aim for 1200 calories a day. I am also giving myself the option to have a 'free' 200 calories a day which means that I will allow myself 200 calories of anything I want to eat. If I decide to use them I think it will help my avoid bingeing and if I don't at least I had the option! I will also have a cheat meal/treat each week. Depending on how many free calories I used will depend on what kind of cheat meal I have.

Here are my goals for the 8 week series:
1. Tone up...everywhere!
2. Lose 7 pounds/Goal Weight: 135 {If you can do simple addition you just found out how much I weigh} 
3. Eat clean
4. Feel confident in a bathing suit!

I will be posting the workouts for the plan each week just in case you want to follow along. I will also be checking in and giving you weekly updates about my fitness journey. I think this will help me be more accountable since I am announcing it publicly! I call it a journey because it is an ongoing challenge for me to be healthy and it is something that I am constantly trying to be better at. 

Hope you join me during the next 8 weeks, we can do it!

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a $125 gift card from either J.Crew, Loft, Old Navy or Gap - winners choice! Just simply use the rafflecopter below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love it!! I am officially starting this today too! :)

  2. You go girl! I'm just getting back on after a "fall" too! Went on a weekend vacation and for the week before and all the days during, I ate HORRIBLE! I couldn't believe how sick I felt! All that grease and fat didn't agree with my stomach AT ALL! So yes, getting back to eating well again! I'm actually doing a new Kettlebell workout right now from Dasha Libin-excellent and pretty fun! Though it's hard. They're all HIIT workouts-so I only have to workout 3-4 times a week-but I'm challenging myself to move more during the day.
    A Modest Fashion Blog:

  3. NEEDED those words on that image today. Thank you SO MUCH.

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